[LeetCode][501][Find Mode in Binary Search Tree] (Solution) – New

Introduction In binary search trees (BSTs), the notion of frequency is an interesting one because BSTs are structured to facilitate efficient searching, insertion, and deletion operations based on their unique property: for any given node, all values in the left subtree are less than or equal to the node’s value, and all values in the … Read more

LeetCode 1356. Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits (Solution) – New

Introduction The problem “Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits” asks us to sort an array of integers based on two criteria: the number of 1’s in their binary representation and the integer value itself. It’s a two-level sorting problem where the primary key for sorting is the count of 1’s in the binary … Read more

LeetCode 458. Poor Pigs (Solution) – New

Introduction Hi, all. As usual we have encountered another hard problem. But don’t worry we will tackles this.The problem titled “458. Poor Pigs” is a classic example of how mathematical reasoning and logic can be applied to seemingly bizarre scenarios. Given a certain number of buckets with one containing poison, the objective is to determine … Read more

LeetCode 1220. Count Vowels Permutation (Solution) – New

Introduction Strings are a fascinating topic in computer science, offering a myriad of challenges and puzzles. One intriguing problem is understanding the permutations of vowels under specific rules. In the “1220. Count Vowels Permutation” problem, we are tasked with counting the number of possible strings of length ‘n’ formed under certain constraints related to vowel … Read more

LeetCode 823. Binary Trees With Factors (Solution)

Introduction In the intricate realm of algorithmic challenges, there exists a genre of problems that often bewilder many: constructing structures or entities using given constraints. One such fascinating puzzle is the “Binary Trees With Factors” problem, which invites us to explore the vast world of binary trees created from a list of numbers. At its … Read more

LeetCode 119. Pascal’s Triangle II

Definition In mathematics, Pascal’s triangle is a triangular array of the binomial coefficients arising in probability theory, combinatorics, and algebra. In much of the Western world, it is named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal, although other mathematicians studied it centuries before him in Persia, India, China, Germany, and Italy. The rows of Pascal’s triangle … Read more